"Destiny Order Summon" Period:
2024-07-06 12:00 - 07-16 20:59 PDT (GMT -7)
One of the nine ★5 (SSR) Servants you choose is guaranteed! Plus, one ★4 (SR) or above card and one ★3 (R) or above Servant are guaranteed!
* The guaranteed ★4 (SR) or above card can be either a Servant or a Craft Essence. * As of 2021-01-01 00:00 PST (GMT -8), Servants whose True Names are hidden will be referred to by their True Name within newly released Main Story chapters, Limited Time Events, certain quests, campaigns, and Pickup Summons. * In-game graphics may vary from the images used within this article.
To commemorate "Fate/Grand Order - 7th Anniversary", we're holding "Destiny Order Summon"!
In "Destiny Order Summon", you yourself select nine ★5 (SSR) Servants.
All types of summonable Servants, including Limited Time Servants, will be selectable. Choose one Servant each from the Seven Cavalries (Saber, Archer, Lancer, Rider, Caster, Assassin, and Berserker), one Servant from EXTRA Ⅰ (Ruler, Avenger, and Moon Cancer), and one Servant from EXTRA Ⅱ (Alter Ego, Foreigner, and Pretender) for a total of nine Servants.
One random Servant from the ★5 (SSR) Servants you selected is guaranteed to be summoned! Please note that "Destiny Order Summon" will be available only once per user, for a cost of 30 Paid Saint Quartz.
About "Destiny Order Summon"
- ★5 (SSR) Archetype: EARTH cannot be chosen and will not be summonable. - You must choose one Servant for each different class slot. It will not be possible to choose a lineup such as "three Saber-class Servants, three Lancer-class Servants, and three Archer-class Servants." - You will not be allowed to perform the summon if you do not have nine Servants chosen. (For example, if you have ★5 (SSR) Altria Pendragon selected in your Saber slot and no other Servants selected, you will not be allowed to perform the summon, as you do not have nine Servants chosen.) - Only ★5 (SSR) Servants will be selectable. - Out of the 11x Summon you perform, one time is guaranteed to be one of the ★5 (SSR) Servants you chose. For the other 10 times, summonable Servants will include not only the Servants you selected, but all summonable Servants, including Limited Time Servants and Story Summon Servants. - Summonable ★4 (SR) and ★3 (R) Servants will include all summonable Servants, including Limited Time Servants and Story Summon Servants, and excluding Servants distributed in events.
Steps to Perform "Destiny Order Summon"
Tap the "Choose Servants for 11x Summon" button on the "Destiny Order Summon" screen to open the Destiny Order Summon message box.
First, choose the Servants you want to Summon!
Tap each class slot to open the Select Servant screen for Servants of the related class.
Only selectable ★5 (SSR) Servants will be displayed. Choose one Servant from among them for each Guaranteed Summon Eligible Slot.
Use the Filter function to help you find a specific Servant!
Tap the "Filter" button on the upper right of the Select Servant screen to filter which Servants are displayed by whether or not you have summoned them before, Noble Phantasm Type, etc.
For the Extra I and Extra II slots, a "Class" filter will also be available to let you easily narrow down selectable Servants.
Once you've chosen all nine Servants, perform the Summon!
Once you've chosen nine Servants, tap "Summon"!
A confirmation message will be displayed. Tap "Summon" again on this screen to begin your Destiny Order Summon.
* You cannot perform "Destiny Order Summon" until you choose all nine Servants.
You can tap "Cancel" on the "Select Servants" screen to close the Destiny Order Summon window with your current selections saved.
When you want to return to Servant selection, just tap the "Choose Servants for 11x Summon" button on the "Destiny Order Summon" screen as you did at first to display the window again.
Rarity | Servant |
★★★★★ | Permanent Servant Altera |
★★★★★ | Permanent Servant Altria Pendragon |
★★★★★ | Permanent Servant Dioscuri |
★★★★★ | Permanent Servant Mordred |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Arthur Pendragon (Prototype) |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Astolfo |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Beni-Enma |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Charlemagne |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Hai Bà Trưng |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Ibuki-Douji |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Miyamoto Musashi |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Nero Claudius (Bride) |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Okita Souji |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Okita Souji Alter |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Ryougi Shiki |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Senji Muramasa |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Sigurd |
* The Saint Graph and battle sprite for ★5 (SSR) Charlemagne will only change to Stage 2 with Ascension.
To see the changes with Stage 3 and further Ascension, you must clear his Spirit Origin Release Quest.
* The Spirit Origin Release Quest can be accessed from the "Interlude" screen once you own ★5 (SSR) Charlemagne.
(Although the quest is available from "Interlude", it does not include a story part.)
* The Spirit Origin Release Quest for ★5 (SSR) Charlemagne can be unlocked by raising him to Stage 3 Ascension.
* Please note that the Spirit Origin Release Quest for ★5 (SSR) Charlemagne will not be counted towards Extra Missions that grant rewards for the number of Interludes cleared.
Rarity | Servant |
★★★★★ | Permanent Servant Arjuna |
★★★★★ | Permanent Servant Minamoto-no-Tametomo |
★★★★★ | Permanent Servant Napoleon |
★★★★★ | Permanent Servant Orion |
★★★★★ | Story Summon Servant Nikola Tesla |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Altria Pendragon |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Gilgamesh |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Ishtar |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant James Moriarty (Archer of Shinjuku) |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Jeanne d'Arc |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Sei Shounagon |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Super Orion |
Rarity | Servant |
★★★★★ | Permanent Servant Bradamante |
★★★★★ | Permanent Servant Enkidu |
★★★★★ | Permanent Servant Karna |
★★★★★ | Permanent Servant Vritra |
★★★★★ | Story Summon Servant Altria Pendragon |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Brynhild |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Ereshkigal |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Mélusine (Tam Lin Lancelot) |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Romulus=Quirinus |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Sakamoto Ryouma |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Scáthach |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Tamamo-no-Mae |
* The name displayed for ★5 (SSR) Mélusine (Tam Lin Lancelot) will change from Tam Lin Lancelot to Mélusine with Stage 2 Ascension. * The illustration for the changed Noble Phantasm Card for ★5 (SSR) Mélusine (Tam Lin Lancelot) will be partially hidden until a specific Ascension stage is achieved.
Rarity | Servant |
★★★★★ | Permanent Servant Achilles |
★★★★★ | Permanent Servant Europa |
★★★★★ | Permanent Servant Francis Drake |
★★★★★ | Permanent Servant Nemo |
★★★★★ | Permanent Servant Odysseus |
★★★★★ | Permanent Servant Ozymandias |
★★★★★ | Permanent Servant Taigong Wang |
★★★★★ | Story Summon Servant Queen Medb |
★★★★★ | Story Summon Servant Quetzalcoatl |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Altria Pendragon Alter |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Iskandar |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Ivan the Terrible |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Kōnstantînos XI |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Kyokutei Bakin |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Leonardo da Vinci |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Sima Yi (Reines) |
Rarity | Servant |
★★★★★ | Permanent Servant Anastasia |
★★★★★ | Permanent Servant Scheherazade (Caster of the Nightless City) |
★★★★★ | Permanent Servant Tamamo-no-Mae |
★★★★★ | Permanent Servant Xuanzang Sanzang |
★★★★★ | Permanent Servant Zhuge Liang (Lord El-Melloi II) |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Altria Caster |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant llyasviel von Einzbern |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Izumo-no-Okuni |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Leonardo da Vinci |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Merlin |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Miss Crane |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Murasaki Shikibu |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Nero Claudius |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Scáthach-Skadi |
Rarity | Servant |
★★★★★ | Permanent Servant Jack the Ripper |
★★★★★ | Permanent Servant Osakabehime |
★★★★★ | Story Summon Servant Li Shuwen |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Cleopatra |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant "First Hassan" |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Kama |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Koyanskaya of Light |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Mysterious Heroine X |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Semiramis |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Shuten-Douji |
Rarity | Servant |
★★★★★ | Permanent Servant Florence Nightingale |
★★★★★ | Permanent Servant Galatea |
★★★★★ | Permanent Servant Vlad III |
★★★★★ | Permanent Servant Xiang Yu |
★★★★★ | Story Summon Servant Cú Chulainn (Alter) |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Arjuna (Alter) |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Hijikata Toshizo |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Minamoto-no-Raikou |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Miyamoto Musashi |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Morgan |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Mysterious Heroine X (Alter) |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Sakata Kintoki |
Class | Rarity | Servant |
Ruler | ★★★★★ | Permanent Servant Jeanne d'Arc |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Altria Pendragon | |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Amakusa Shirou | |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Caren C. Hortensia (Amor (Caren)) | |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant James Moriarty | |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Himiko | |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Qin Shi Huang | |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Sherlock Holmes | |
Avenger | ★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Demon King Nobunaga (Oda Nobunaga) |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Edmond Dantès | |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Jeanne d'Arc (Alter) | |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Kama | |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Space Ishtar | |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Taira-no-Kagekiyo | |
Moon Cancer | ★★★★★ | Permanent Servant Jinako Carigiri (Great Stone Statue God) |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant BB | |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Sessyoin Kiara |
* The name displayed for Amor (Caren) will change to Caren C. Hortensia with Ascension. * The name displayed for ★5 (SSR) Jinako Carigiri (Great Stone Statue God) will change from ★5 (SSR) Great Stone Statue God to ★5 (SSR) Jinako Carigiri with Stage 2 Ascension. * The name displayed for ★5 (SSR) Demon King Nobunaga (Oda Nobunaga) will change from ★5 (SSR) Oda Nobunaga to ★5 (SSR) Demon King Nobunaga with Stage 3 Ascension.
Class | Rarity | Servant |
Alter Ego | ★★★★★ | Story Summon Servant Sitonai |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Ashiya Douman | |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Kingprotea | |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Manannan mac Lir (Bazett) | |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Meltryllis | |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Okita Souji (Alter) | |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Sessyoin Kiara | |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Super Bunyan | |
Foreigner | ★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Abigail Williams |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Abigail Williams (Summer) | |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Jacques de Molay | |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Katsushika Hokusai | |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Koyanskaya of Dark | |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Van Gogh | |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Voyager | |
★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Yang Guifei | |
Pretender | ★★★★★ | Limited Time Servant Oberon |
* The Saint Graphs and battle sprites for ★5 (SSR) Ashiya Douman and ★5 (SSR) Oberon will only change to Stage 2 with Ascension.
To see the changes with Stage 3 and further Ascension, you must clear their Spirit Origin Release Quests.
* Each Servant's Spirit Origin Release Quest can be accessed from the "Interlude" screen once you own ★5 (SSR) Ashiya Douman or ★5 (SSR) Oberon.
(Although the quests are available from "Interlude", they do not include a story part.)
* The Spirit Origin Release Quest for ★5 (SSR) Ashiya Douman can be unlocked by raising him to Stage 3 Ascension.
* The Spirit Origin Release Quest for ★5 (SSR) Oberon can be unlocked by raising him to Stage 3 Ascension once you have cleared "Lostbelt No.6: Fae Round Table Domain, Avalon le Fae - The Moment a Planet Is Born".
* Please note that the Spirit Origin Release Quests for ★5 (SSR) Ashiya Douman and ★5 (SSR) Oberon will not be counted towards Extra Missions that grant rewards for the number of Interludes cleared.
* Once you have cleared the Spirit Origin Release Quest for ★5 (SSR) Oberon you will be able to view the full version of his Final Ascension illustration on the Servant details screen by pressing the Saint Graph.
▼Summon Information & Warnings
About Servant Coins Earned through Summoning:
Each time you acquire a Servant through Limited Time Summon, Story Summon, or Friend Point Summon, you will also receive Servant Coins for that Servant.
>>Click here for more information on Servant Coins.
About Saint Quartz:
* 30 Paid Saint Quartz must be used for this Summon. Free Saint Quartz cannot be used.
* Extra Saint Quartz included in Saint Quartz purchases are considered Free Saint Quartz. They will not count towards your Paid Saint Quartz total. Free and Paid Saint Quartz held can be viewed from the "Item List" in My Room.
About Featured Servants:
* The Servants summonable from "Destiny Order Summon" will be the nine ★5 (SSR) Servants you chose and all ★5 (SSR), ★4 (SR), and ★3 (R) Servants, including Limited Time Servants and excluding Servants distributed through events.
* Please note that the following Servant(s) will not be summonable and cannot be chosen for any of your ★5 (SSR) Guaranteed Summon Slots.
- ★5 (SSR) Archetype: EARTH
* All Story Summon Servants will be summonable, even if they have not yet been added to Story Summon through story progression.
* Please note that the Stage 3 Ascensions for ★5 (SSR) Mélusine (Tam Lin Lancelot), ★4 (SR) Barghest (Tam Lin Gawain), and ★4 (SR) Baobhan Sith (Tam Lin Tristan) contain spoilers for "Lostbelt No.6: Fae Round Table Domain, Avalon le Fae - The Moment a Planet Is Born".
* The name displayed for Servants whose True Names are hidden will change based on story progression. In some cases, the name displayed for their Noble Phantasm will also change.
* The following Servant(s) will be added to Story Summon and Friend Point Summon at 2024-07-16 21:00 PDT (GMT -7).
- ★3 (R) Xu Fu
About Featured Craft Essences:
* The following Craft Essence(s) will also be summonable.
- ★5 (SSR) A′
- ★5 (SSR) King of the Seraph
- ★4 (SR) Inspire
- ★4 (SR) Hunter's Dream
- ★3 (R) Retravel
* The following Craft Essence(s) will be added to Story Summon at 2024-07-16 21:00 PDT (GMT -7).
- ★5 (SSR) King of the Seraph
- ★4 (SR) Hunter's Dream
* The following Craft Essence(s) will not be summonable from this Summon due to the lineup update. Furthermore, at 2024-07-16 21:00 PDT (GMT -7) it will be removed from Story Summon. It will still be summonable from the Tutorial Summon.
- ★4 (SR) Knight's Dignity
* The following Craft Essence(s) will also be available from Friend Point Summon for the duration of the Summon period. They will be automatically burned if you have ★3 (R) Craft Essences included in your Automatic Burning settings. Please check your settings before summoning.
- ★3 (R) Retravel
"Fate/Grand Order - 7th Anniversary" and more are ongoing for a limited time!
For more information, please see the articles listed below.
"Fate/Grand Order - 7th Anniversary" Details:
"7th Anniversary Archetype: EARTH Pickup Summon" Details:
"7th Anniversary Guaranteed Summon (Class Specific × 20 Groups)" Details:
"7th Anniversary Commemorative Limited Servant Daily Pickup Summon" Details: