[Ended] [Campaign] AP Costs 1/4 & 1/2 Campaign

From 2020-03-19 21:00 - 04-02 20:59 PDT, we're cutting AP costs to 1/4 for all story quests within the Main Quest of Part 1! Plus, AP costs for Free Quests in all Pseudo-Singularities will be halved until the first time you clear them!

Campaign Period:
2020-03-19 21:00 - 04-02 20:59 PDT

* Free Quests you have already cleared will not be included in this campaign.
* Rank Up Quests, Interludes, and Daily Quests will not be included in this campaign.

On top of the permanent half AP cost for Part 1 story quests, AP costs will be further halved for a limited time!
During the period below, AP costs for Part 1 story quests (Singularity F - Final Singularity) will be 1/4 of the original amount!

Eligible Quests:
All story quests within Main Quest Part 1 (Singularity F through Final Singularity)

* Free Quests within Part 1 will not be included in this campaign.
* AP costs will be 1/4 even if you withdraw from a battle.

The first time you clear a Free Quest within Pseudo-Singularities I-IV, the AP cost will be halved!
Don't miss this chance to clear any Free Quests you have available!

Eligible Quests:
All Free Quests within Pseudo-Singularity I-IV

* Story quests within Pseudo-Singularities will not be included in this campaign.
* "First time cleared" refers to the time you receive the quest clear rewards upon finishing a Free Quest.
* AP costs will be 1/2 even if you withdraw from a battle.