[Ended] [Campaign] 9 Million Downloads Campaign!

New Rank Up Quests (special quests that enhance a certain Servant’s abilities) will be available through Servant Rank Up Quest Part Eight!
Seven new Rank Up Quests will be added permanently!
Please see this article for more information.

Release Date:
2020-02-24 20:00 PST

* Please note that newly added Rank Up Quests will not be displayed if you do not possess the Servant in question.

To commemorate the 9 Million Downloads Campaign, a special login bonus will be available.
Log in for seven days in a row during the login bonus period to receive valuable gifts, including 10 Summon Tickets (worth 10 Saint Quartz Summons)!

Login Bonus Period:
2020-02-24 20:00 PST - 03-09 20:59 PDT

Only Masters who have completed Singularity F: Flame Contaminated City Fuyuki by 2020-03-08 20:59 PDT will be eligible to receive the login bonuses.

Login Streak Login Bonus
Day 1 Blaze of Wisdom ALL ★4 (SR) x10
Day 2 Hero Crystal: Star Fou ALL ★3 (HP) x10
Day 3 Hero Crystal: Sun Fou ALL ★3 (ATK) x10
Day 4 Silver Fruit x10
Day 5 10,000,000 QP
Day 6 Golden Fruit x10
Day 7 Summon Ticket x10 (worth 10 Saint Quartz Summons)

* The first login bonus will be distributed on your first login after 2020-02-24 20:00 PST.
* All further login bonuses will be distributed at 20:00 PST (21:00 PDT).
* If your login streak is broken, you will not be able to receive further presents.
* Up to seven login bonuses are available, but depending on when you became eligible, you may not be able to receive all presents.
* You must have cleared Singularity F: Flame Contaminated City Fuyuki by 2020-03-08 20:59 PDT and the CLEAR icon must be displayed on the quest banner in the Terminal in order to receive the login bonuses.

AP costs will be halved for story quests within Pseudo-Singularities I through IV!

AP Cost 1/2 Period:
2020-02-24 20:00 - 03-02 19:59 PST

Eligible Quests:
Main Quest: Pseudo-Singularities I - IV
* Please note that Free Quests will not be eligible.
* AP costs will be 1/2 even if you withdraw from a battle.

On top of the permanent half AP cost for Part 1 story quests, AP costs will be further halved for a limited time! During the period below, AP costs for Part 1 story quests (Singularity F - Final Singularity) will be 1/4 of the original amount!

AP Cost 1/4 Period:
2020-02-24 20:00 - 03-02 19:59 PST

Eligible Quests:
Main Quest: Part 1 (Singularity F - Final Singularity)
* Please note that Free Quests will not be eligible.
* AP costs will be 1/4 even if you withdraw from a battle.

The following items will be added to Exchange Rare Prisms in the Da Vinci Workshop.

2020-02-24 20:00 PST
Craft Essences to be Added to Exchange Rare Prisms:

Sweet Crystal
ATK 500 (MAX: 2000) HP 0
Apply Ignore Invincible & begin battle with NP charged at 30% for yourself

Fondant au Chocolat
ATK 500 (MAX: 2000) HP 0
Apply 25% Special Attack [Divine] & begin battle with NP charged at 30% for yourself

Chaldea Standard
ATK 0 HP 0

No Effect
* This is an Event Limited Craft Essence originally available through the Limited Time Event "Chocolate Lady's Commotion Valentine's 2018". As the event in question has ended, it does not grant any skill effects.

Item Number
Rare Prisms
Necessary for One
★5 (SSR) Sweet Crystal 5 5
★5 (SSR) Fondant au Chocolat 5 5
★4 (SR) Chaldea Standard 1 3

* "★5 (SSR) Sweet Crystal," "★5 (SSR) Fondant au Chocolat," and "★4 (SR) Chaldea Standard" will be permanently added to "Exchange Rare Prisms." There will be no time limit on exchange.
* If you have acquired "★4 (SR) Chaldea Standard" in the past, the number available for exchange will be displayed as "0" and exchange will not be possible. Please note that this will apply if you have already sold it or used it as Enhancement material.
* The "★4 (SR) Chaldea Standard" available through "Exchange Rare Prisms" will be maximum level.

The Saint Quartz Fragments distributed as rewards for clearing weekly "Master Missions" will be permanently increased from two to three!

Clear all seven Master Missions each week to receive a maximum of 21 Saint Quartz Fragments (worth three Saint Quartz)!

2020-03-01 16:00 PST

* This change will apply beginning with rewards for the Master Missions released on 2020-03-01 16:00 PST. Please note that the rewards for currently ongoing Master Missions (released on 2020-02-23 16:00 PST) will not change, even if you claim them after 2020-03-01 16:00 PST.
* Please note that the in-game Help screen will continue to display Master Mission rewards as 2 Saint Quartz Fragments even after the update. We will be updating the image in question in the near future.

The chance of Super Success (double EXP acquired) and Great Success (triple EXP acquired) when performing Servant and Craft Essence Enhancement will be doubled for a limited time!
Don't miss this chance to strengthen your favorite Servants and Craft Essences!

Campaign Period:
2020-02-24 20:00 - 03-02 19:59 PST

Rank Up Quest AP costs will be halved for a limited time!
* Please note that AP costs for Interludes and Daily Quests will not be affected.
* Rank Up Quests added through "Rank Up Quest Part Eight" will be included.

AP Cost 1/2 Period:
2020-02-24 20:00 - 03-02 19:59 PST

The 9 Million Downloads Commemorative Pickup Summon (Daily) is also ongoing!
See the linked banner below for more details.