03-24 PDT
[Ongoing] [Campaign] Fate/Grand Order Arcade×Fate/Grand Order Collaboration Event Pre-Release Campaign

We'll be holding the "Fate/Grand Order Arcade×Fate/Grand Order Collaboration Event Pre-Release Campaign" for a limited time.

To celebrate the "Fate/Grand Order Arcade" Collaboration Event, scheduled to be released on 2025-03-28 PDT (GMT -7), we have a variety of campaigns in store! Enjoy a special login bonus where you can get Saint Quartz and Collaboration Commemorative Craft Essences, all days' "Ember Gathering" and "Training Ground" Daily Quests being unlocked at once, a doubled chance of Super and Great Success when Enhancing eligible Servants, and more!

* In-game graphics may vary from the images used within this article. * As of 2021-01-01 00:00 PST (GMT -8), Servants whose True Names are hidden will be referred to by their True Name within newly released Main Story chapters, Limited Time Events, certain quests, campaigns, and Pickup Summons.

Campaign Period:
2025-03-24 21:00 - 03-31 20:59 PDT (GMT -7)

About "Fate/Grand Order Arcade":

"Fate/Grand Order Arcade" is a Heroic Spirit Summoning team battle game that has been available in Japanese arcades since July 2018.
* "Fate/Grand Order Arcade" is only available in Japan.

We'll be distributing a special login bonus to celebrate the "Fate/Grand Order Arcade" Collaboration Event.
Log in seven times (counted once per day) during the login bonus period to receive four Collaboration Commemorative Craft Essences and three Saint Quartz!

Login Bonus Period:
2025-03-24 21:00 - 04-07 20:59 PDT (GMT -7)

Masters who have cleared "Singularity F: Flame Contaminated City, Fuyuki" by 2025-04-06 20:59 PDT (GMT -7) will be eligible. * You must have cleared the Singularity and the "CLEAR" icon must be displayed on the quest banner in the Terminal by the date and time above in order to be considered eligible.

Special Accrued Login Bonus:

Login Count Login Bonus
1 ★4 (SR) "U-Fou Catcher" x1
2 Saint Quartz x1
3 ★4 (SR) "Chaldea Fighter" x1
4 Saint Quartz x1
5 ★4 (SR) "Opera in Arcade" x1
6 Saint Quartz x1
7 ★4 (SR) "Run, Alter, Run!" x1

* Login bonuses will be distributed from 21:00 PDT (GMT -7) each day. * Up to seven login bonuses are available, but depending on when you become eligible, you may not be able to receive all rewards. * The four Collaboration Commemorative Craft Essences will not grant any Event Bonuses in the "Fate/Grand Order Arcade" Collaboration Event.

"Fate/Grand Order Arcade×Fate/Grand Order" Collaboration Commemorative Craft Essences:

U-Fou Catcher
ATK 0 HP 1500 (MAX: 1500)
Increase NP Gain by 15% for yourself

Chaldea Fighter
ATK 1280 (MAX: 1280) HP 0
Increase Buster Card effectiveness by 15% for yourself

Opera in Arcade
ATK 0 HP 1920 (MAX: 1920)
Increase Arts Card effectiveness by 15% for yourself

Run, Alter, Run!
ATK 640 (MAX: 640) HP 1024 (MAX: 1024)
Increase Quick Card effectiveness by 15% for yourself

Certain Servants will receive ATK strength and Bond Points gained bonuses during Event Quests within the "Fate/Grand Order Arcade" Collaboration Event!
Strengthen the eligible Servants to help you in the event!

* Bonus amounts will vary by Servant.

Event Bonus Servants:

Class Rarity Servant
Saber ★★★★★ Altera
★★★★★ Altria Pendragon
★★★★★ Arthur Pendragon (Prototype)
★★★★★ Astolfo
★★★★★ Miyamoto Musashi
★★★★★ Mordred
★★★★★ Nero Claudius (Bride)
★★★★★ Okita Souji
★★★★★ Ryougi Shiki
★★★★★ Senji Muramasa
★★★★ Altria Pendragon (Alter)
★★★★ Chevalier d'Eon
★★★★ Katsushika Hokusai
★★★★ Medb
★★★★ Nero Claudius
★★★★ Siegfried
★★★ Gaius Julius Caesar
★★★ Gilles de Rais
Archer ★★★★★ Altria Pendragon
★★★★★ Arjuna
★★★★★ Gilgamesh
★★★★★ Ishtar
★★★★★ James Moriarty (Archer of Shinjuku)
★★★★★ Jeanne d'Arc
★★★★★ Sei Shounagon
★★★★ Asagami Fujino
★★★★ Atalante
★★★★ Chloe von Einzbern
★★★★ Emiya
★★★★ Oda Nobunaga
Lancer ★★★★★ Altria Pendragon
★★★★★ Bradamante
★★★★★ Enkidu
★★★★★ Ereshkigal
★★★★★ Karna
★★★★★ Scáthach
★★★★★ Tamamo-no-Mae
★★★★ Altria Pendragon (Alter)
★★★★ Elisabeth Báthory
★★★★ Minamoto-no-Raikou
★★★★ Yu Mei-ren
★★ Leonidas I
★★ Musashibou Benkei
Rider ★★★★★ Altria Pendragon Alter
★★★★★ Francis Drake
★★★★★ Iskandar
★★★★★ Leonardo da Vinci
★★★★★ Ozymandias
★★★★★ Sima Yi (Reines)
★★★★ Marie Antoinette
★★★★ Martha
★★★ Boudica
★★★ Medusa
★★ Edward Teach
★★ Georgios
Caster ★★★★★ Illyasviel von Einzbern
★★★★★ Leonardo da Vinci
★★★★★ Merlin
★★★★★ Scáthach-Skadi
★★★★★ Tamamo-no-Mae
★★★★★ Zhuge Liang (Lord El-Melloi II)
★★★★ Gilgamesh
★★★★ Medea (Lily)
★★★★ Miyu Edelfelt
★★★ Cú Chulainn
★★★ Gilles de Rais
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Assassin ★★★★★ "First Hassan"
★★★★★ Jack the Ripper
★★★★★ Koyanskaya of Light
★★★★★ Osakabehime
★★★★★ Shuten-Douji
★★★★ Carmilla
★★★★ Gray
★★★★ Nitocris
★★★★ Ryougi Shiki
★★★ Okada Izo
★★ Hassan of the Cursed Arm
★★ Phantom of the Opera
Mata Hari
Berserker ★★★★★ Cú Chulainn (Alter)
★★★★★ Florence Nightingale
★★★★★ Miyamoto Musashi
★★★★★ Morgan
★★★★★ Mysterious Heroine X (Alter)
★★★★★ Sakata Kintoki
★★★★★ Vlad III
★★★★ Heracles
★★★★ Ibaraki-Douji
★★★★ Jeanne d'Arc Alter
★★★★ Lancelot
★★★ Kiyohime
★★ Caligula
Paul Bunyan (Berserker of Learning with Manga)
Ruler ★★★★★ Altria Pendragon
★★★★★ Amakusa Shirou
★★★★★ Jeanne d'Arc
★★★★★ Sherlock Holmes
★★★★ Astraea
Avenger ★★★★★ Edmond Dantès
★★★★★ Jeanne d'Arc (Alter)
Alter Ego ★★★★★ Larva/Tiamat
★★★★★ Meltryllis
★★★★ Passionlip
Moon Cancer ★★★★★ BB
★★★★ BB
Foreigner ★★★★★ Abigail Williams (Summer)
★★★★★ Jacques de Molay
★★★★★ Katsushika Hokusai
★★★★ Mysterious Heroine XX
Pretender ★★★★★ Lady Avalon
Shielder ★★★ Mash Kyrielight

* Servants eligible for an event bonus will not necessarily appear in the event story. * From 2025-03-24 21:00 PDT (GMT -7), an "Upcoming Event" filter will be added to the Servant Selection and Servant Enhancement screens. Use this filter to conveniently display only the Servants who will receive a bonus in the event.

Event Bonus Servants will grant double Friend Points when you select them as Support Servants or other Masters select them from your Support Setup during the period below.
Take advantage of this campaign to gather Friend Points!

Campaign Period:
2025-03-24 21:00 - 03-31 20:59 PDT (GMT -7)

Eligible Servants:
Same as the list of "Event Bonus Servants"

* Friend Points awarded will also be doubled for Masters that are not Friends. * Please note that this bonus will not apply to Guest Servants.

During the period below, Rank Up Quests for Event Bonus Servants will have their AP costs halved! (AP costs will be reduced even if you withdraw from battle)
Use this chance to clear any unfinished Rank Up Quests you have for the eligible Servants!

Campaign Period:
2025-03-24 21:00 - 03-31 20:59 PDT (GMT -7)

Eligible Servants:
Event Bonus Servants with Rank Up Quests

▼Eligible Servants▼

Class Rarity Servant
Saber ★★★★★ Altera
★★★★★ Altria Pendragon
★★★★★ Arthur Pendragon (Prototype)
★★★★★ Miyamoto Musashi
★★★★★ Mordred
★★★★★ Nero Claudius (Bride)
★★★★★ Okita Souji
★★★★★ Ryougi Shiki
★★★★ Altria Pendragon (Alter)
★★★★ Chevalier d'Eon
★★★★ Nero Claudius
★★★★ Siegfried
★★★ Gaius Julius Caesar
★★★ Gilles de Rais
Archer ★★★★★ Arjuna
★★★★★ Gilgamesh
★★★★★ James Moriarty (Archer of Shinjuku)
★★★★ Asagami Fujino
★★★★ Atalante
★★★★ Emiya
Lancer ★★★★★ Altria Pendragon
★★★★★ Enkidu
★★★★★ Ereshkigal
★★★★★ Karna
★★★★★ Scáthach
★★★★★ Tamamo-no-Mae
★★★★ Altria Pendragon (Alter)
★★★★ Elisabeth Báthory
★★ Leonidas I
★★ Musashibou Benkei
Rider ★★★★★ Altria Pendragon Alter
★★★★★ Francis Drake
★★★★★ Iskandar
★★★★★ Ozymandias
★★★★★ Sima Yi (Reines)
★★★★ Marie Antoinette
★★★★ Martha
★★★ Boudica
★★★ Medusa
★★ Edward Teach
Caster ★★★★★ Illyasviel von Einzbern
★★★★★ Leonardo da Vinci
★★★★★ Scáthach-Skadi
★★★★★ Tamamo-no-Mae
★★★★ Gilgamesh
★★★★ Medea (Lily)
★★★★ Miyu Edelfelt
★★★ Cú Chulainn
★★★ Gilles de Rais
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Assassin ★★★★★ "First Hassan"
★★★★★ Osakabehime
★★★★★ Shuten-Douji
★★★★ Carmilla
★★★★ Gray
★★★★ Ryougi Shiki
★★★ Okada Izo
★★ Hassan of the Cursed Arm
★★ Phantom of the Opera
Mata Hari
Berserker ★★★★★ Cú Chulainn (Alter)
★★★★★ Florence Nightingale
★★★★★ Mysterious Heroine X (Alter)
★★★★★ Sakata Kintoki
★★★★★ Vlad III
★★★★ Heracles
★★★★ Ibaraki-Douji
★★★★ Lancelot
★★★ Kiyohime
★★ Caligula
Paul Bunyan (Berserker of Learning with Manga)
Ruler ★★★★★ Altria Pendragon
★★★★★ Amakusa Shirou
★★★★★ Jeanne d'Arc
★★★★★ Sherlock Holmes
Avenger ★★★★★ Edmond Dantès
★★★★★ Jeanne d'Arc (Alter)
Alter Ego ★★★★★ Meltryllis
★★★★ Passionlip
Moon Cancer ★★★★★ BB
★★★★ BB
Foreigner ★★★★★ Katsushika Hokusai
★★★★ Mysterious Heroine XX

During the period below, Interludes for Event Bonus Servants will have their AP costs halved! (AP costs will be reduced even if you withdraw from battle)
Fulfill the unlock requirements and clear Interludes for the eligible Servants!

Campaign Period:
2025-03-24 21:00 - 03-31 20:59 PDT (GMT -7)

Eligible Servants:
Event Bonus Servants with Interludes

▼Eligible Servants▼

Class Rarity Servant
Saber ★★★★★ Altera
★★★★★ Altria Pendragon
★★★★★ Arthur Pendragon (Prototype)
★★★★★ Astolfo
★★★★★ Mordred
★★★★★ Nero Claudius (Bride)
★★★★★ Okita Souji
★★★★ Altria Pendragon (Alter)
★★★★ Chevalier d'Eon
★★★★ Nero Claudius
★★★★ Siegfried
★★★ Gaius Julius Caesar
★★★ Gilles de Rais
Archer ★★★★★ Arjuna
★★★★★ Gilgamesh
★★★★★ Ishtar
★★★★★ James Moriarty (Archer of Shinjuku)
★★★★★ Sei Shounagon
★★★★ Atalante
★★★★ Chloe von Einzbern
★★★★ Emiya
Lancer ★★★★★ Altria Pendragon
★★★★★ Bradamante
★★★★★ Enkidu
★★★★★ Karna
★★★★★ Scáthach
★★★★ Altria Pendragon (Alter)
★★★★ Elisabeth Báthory
★★ Leonidas I
★★ Musashibou Benkei
Rider ★★★★★ Francis Drake
★★★★★ Iskandar
★★★★★ Ozymandias
★★★★★ Sima Yi (Reines)
★★★★ Marie Antoinette
★★★★ Martha
★★★ Boudica
★★★ Medusa
★★ Edward Teach
★★ Georgios
Caster ★★★★★ Illyasviel von Einzbern
★★★★★ Leonardo da Vinci
★★★★★ Scáthach-Skadi
★★★★★ Tamamo-no-Mae
★★★★★ Zhuge Liang (Lord El-Melloi II)
★★★★ Gilgamesh
★★★★ Medea (Lily)
★★★ Cú Chulainn
★★★ Gilles de Rais
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Assassin ★★★★★ Jack the Ripper
★★★★★ Osakabehime
★★★★★ Shuten-Douji
★★★★ Carmilla
★★ Hassan of the Cursed Arm
★★ Phantom of the Opera
Mata Hari
Berserker ★★★★★ Cú Chulainn (Alter)
★★★★★ Florence Nightingale
★★★★★ Mysterious Heroine X (Alter)
★★★★★ Sakata Kintoki
★★★★★ Vlad III
★★★★ Heracles
★★★★ Ibaraki-Douji
★★★★ Lancelot
★★★ Kiyohime
★★ Caligula
Ruler ★★★★★ Amakusa Shirou
★★★★★ Jeanne d'Arc
★★★★★ Sherlock Holmes
★★★★ Astraea
Avenger ★★★★★ Edmond Dantès
★★★★★ Jeanne d'Arc (Alter)
Alter Ego ★★★★ Passionlip
Foreigner ★★★★★ Katsushika Hokusai

During the period below, Free Quests within Main Quest Part 1 will have their AP costs halved until the first clear! (AP costs will be reduced even if you withdraw from battle as long as you have not cleared the quest before)
Masters who have yet to clear the eligible Free Quests, be sure to take advantage of this campaign!

Campaign Period:
2025-03-24 21:00 - 03-31 20:59 PDT (GMT -7)

Eligible Quests:
Free Quests in Main Quest Part 1 * "First clear" refers to the point when you collect the Quest Clear Rewards upon finishing the quest for the first time.

To commemorate the "Fate/Grand Order Arcade×Fate/Grand Order Collaboration Event Pre-Release Campaign", My Room will have a special new look for a limited time!
Enjoy the makeover to My Room for a limited time together with your favorite Servants!

From 2025-03-24 21:00 PDT (GMT -7) until the start of the "Fate/Grand Order Arcade" Collaboration Event

All days' "Ember Gathering" and "Training Ground" Daily Quests available within Chaldea Gate will be unlocked at once for a limited time!

Campaign Period:
2025-03-24 21:00 - 03-31 20:59 PDT (GMT -7)

Eligible Quests: - All "Ember Gathering" quests - All "Training Ground" quests

* Quest information for the limited time "Ember Gathering" and "Training Ground" quests will be carried over from the quests usually appearing each day. * Daily Quest specifics are as follows.

Daily Quests:

Quest Items Obtainable Rec. Classes
[Collaboration Event Pre-Release]
Daily Ember Gathering
EXP Cards for Saber, Rider, and Berserker class Servants
[Collaboration Event Pre-Release]
Daily Ember Gathering
EXP Cards for Archer, Caster, and Berserker class Servants
[Collaboration Event Pre-Release]
Daily Ember Gathering
EXP Cards for Lancer, Assassin, and Berserker class Servants
[Collaboration Event Pre-Release]
Daily Ember Gathering
EXP Cards for Rider, Saber, and Berserker class Servants
[Collaboration Event Pre-Release]
Daily Ember Gathering
EXP Cards for Caster, Archer, and Berserker class Servants
[Collaboration Event Pre-Release]
Daily Ember Gathering
EXP Cards for Assassin, Lancer, and Berserker class Servants
[Collaboration Event Pre-Release]
Daily Ember Gathering
EXP Cards for Saber, Archer, Lancer, Rider, Caster, Assassin, and Berserker class Servants (Random) -
[Collaboration Event Pre-Release]
Daily Training Ground: Saber
Ascension and Skill Enhancement items used for Saber class Servants
[Collaboration Event Pre-Release]
Daily Training Ground: Archer
Ascension and Skill Enhancement items used for Archer class Servants
[Collaboration Event Pre-Release]
Daily Training Ground: Lancer
Ascension and Skill Enhancement items used for Lancer class Servants
[Collaboration Event Pre-Release]
Daily Training Ground: Rider
Ascension and Skill Enhancement items used for Rider class Servants
[Collaboration Event Pre-Release]
Daily Training Ground: Caster
Ascension and Skill Enhancement items used for Caster class Servants
[Collaboration Event Pre-Release]
Daily Training Ground: Assassin
Ascension and Skill Enhancement items used for Assassin class Servants
[Collaboration Event Pre-Release]
Daily Training Ground: Berserker
Ascension and Skill Enhancement items used for Berserker class Servants ALL

* Berserkers will be effective in each day's Daily Quest.

Servant Rank Up Quests to strengthen ★5 (SSR) Leonardo da Vinci (Caster) and ★5 (SSR) "First Hassan" will be permanently added to Chaldea Gate.
In addition to ability enhancement, Saint Quartz will be included in the quest rewards.

* Please note that Servant Rank Up Quests are battle-only quests.

Release Date:
2025-03-24 21:00 PDT (GMT -7)

You must own the Servant in question and have achieved Final Ascension. For Servants who already have one or more Rank Up Quests, you must also clear those first. * If you do not own the Servant in question, their quest will not be displayed. * Rank Up Quests are not limited time quests.

(Updated on March 30th)
The "Fate/Grand Order Arcade Collaboration Event Pre-Release Pickup Summon" and more will also be ongoing for a limited time!
Please see the articles linked below for more information.

"Fate/Grand Order Arcade Collaboration Event Pre-Release Pickup Summon" Details:

"Fate/Grand Order Arcade×Fate/Grand Order Collaboration Event 'Spiral Proof World, Lilim Harlot - A Rose Without Ovation'" Details:

"Fate/Grand Order Arcade×Fate/Grand Order Collaboration Event Sodom's Beast/Draco Pickup Summon" Details:

"Fate/Grand Order Arcade×Fate/Grand Order Collaboration Event Pickup 2 Summon" Details: