03-05 PST
[Updated - New Info] [Campaign] Chaldea Boys Collection 2025

Campaign Period:
2025-03-05 00:00 PST (GMT -8) - 03-25 20:59 PDT (GMT -7)
(Updated on March 5th) * Please note that the campaign period and the period for fully-voiced cutscenes differ.

* In-game graphics may vary from the images used within this article. * The information shared during the stream at 2025-03-03 20:00 PST (GMT -8) is of content under development and may differ from actual in-game content.

About the fully-voiced cutscenes:

You will receive the rewards from the fully-voiced cutscenes with Takasugi Shinsaku from 2025-03-13 21:00 to 03-21 20:59 PDT (GMT -7) when the cutscene finishes playing.
Additionally, the cutscenes for which you received the rewards will be recorded in "Event Quest Log" found in Material in My Room under the Limited Time Event "CBC 2025: The Story of Chaldea Heavy Industries - Business to Business, From Me to You" starting 2025-03-05 00:00 PST (GMT -8).

Also note that, if you close the app before the cutscene finishes, you will not be able to receive the rewards. However, the cutscene will replay if you log in again. Please note that, including in cases where the app closes unexpectedly, you will need to log in again and replay the cutscene during that day in order to receive the rewards.

During the period below, fully-voiced cutscenes where you can receive rewards from Takasugi Shinsaku will play the first time you log in each day!
If you watch all of the cutscenes you'll get Summon Ticket x7, 3,500,000 QP, and the Command Code "★4 (SR) Electromagnetic Shamisen" x1!
Log in every day during the period and get valuable rewards!

Requirements to Receive Rewards: - Clear "Singularity F: Flame Contaminated City, Fuyuki"

Reward Command Code:

Electromagnetic Shamisen
Increase C. Star Gather Rate by 50% for the engraved Card + Gain 2 C. Stars when attacking with the engraved Card

Fully-Voiced Cutscenes With Takasugi Shinsaku Schedule

Login Period Login Bonus
2025-03-13 21:00 - 2025-03-14 20:59 PDT (GMT -7) Get each day!
2025-03-14 21:00 - 2025-03-15 20:59 PDT (GMT -7)
2025-03-15 21:00 - 2025-03-16 20:59 PDT (GMT -7)
2025-03-16 21:00 - 2025-03-17 20:59 PDT (GMT -7)
2025-03-17 21:00 - 2025-03-18 20:59 PDT (GMT -7)
2025-03-18 21:00 - 2025-03-19 20:59 PDT (GMT -7)
2025-03-19 21:00 - 2025-03-20 20:59 PDT (GMT -7)
2025-03-20 21:00 - 2025-03-21 20:59 PDT (GMT -7) ★4 (SR) Electromagnetic Shamisen x1

* Please note that it will not be possible to hear that day's message if you do not log in during the applicable Login Period.

New Craft Essences with voiced scenes that play a Servant dialogue matching the situation for each Craft Essence have been added!
You can listen to a voiced scene when you first acquire the Craft Essences.
In addition, a "Play" button has been added in the Craft Essence Details. You can press this button to listen to the scene that played upon first summon.

Date of Addition:
2025-03-05 00:00 PST (GMT -8)

Log in during the campaign period, starting from 2025-03-05 00:00 PST (GMT -8), to receive the "CBC 2025 Shareholder Benefits Ticket" which can be exchanged for one of the "Chaldea Boys Collection 2025" Limited Time Craft Essences!
Exchange it for one Craft Essence of your choice from the eligible Craft Essences during the exchange period!

Requirements to Claim "CBC 2025 Shareholder Benefits Ticket": - All Masters will be eligible * New Masters must clear "Singularity F: Flame Contaminated City, Fuyuki - Section 3 Node 1".

"CBC 2025 Shareholder Benefits Ticket" Claimable Period:
2025-03-05 00:00 PST (GMT -8) - 03-25 20:59 PDT (GMT -7)
(Updated on March 5th)

Eligible for Exchange:

>>See this article for details on the Limited Time Craft Essences.
(Added on March 5th)

Craft Essence Exchange Period:
2025-03-05 00:00 PST (GMT -8) - 04-01 20:59 PDT (GMT -7) * You must have cleared "Singularity F: Flame Contaminated City, Fuyuki" and Section 1 of Limited Time Event "CBC 2025: The Story of Chaldea Heavy Industries - Business to Business, From Me to You" before the end of the exchange period in order to exchange the "CBC 2025 Shareholder Benefits Ticket" for one of the eligible Craft Essences.

How to Exchange:
The "CBC 2025 Shareholder Benefits Ticket" will be sent to your Present Box upon first login between 2025-03-05 00:00 PST (GMT -8) - 03-25 20:59 PDT (GMT -7).
After claiming it from your Present Box, tap the "Event Shop" button in the top right corner of the Terminal or go to "Exchange Event Items" in the Da Vinci Workshop to exchange it for one of the nine eligible Limited Time Craft Essences. * After exchange, the Craft Essence you selected will be sent to your Present Box and the "CBC 2025 Shareholder Benefits Ticket" will disappear. * The "CBC 2025 Shareholder Benefits Ticket" will disappear at the end of the exchange period, even if you have not exchanged it.

(Added on March 5th)

For a limited time, you will be able to take "Chaldea Heavy Industries Staff Snapshots" in My Room, which will allow you to take instant photos of your Servants. In addition, you will be able to display two Servants in My Room at the same time.
Throughout this period the background in My Room will change periodically, so enjoy taking photos of your Servants against a variety of backgrounds! * You will not be able to take Staff Snapshots when you have two Servants displayed in My Room.

2025-03-05 00:00 PST (GMT -8) - 03-24 20:59 PDT (GMT -7)

Schedule for Background Changes

We'll be distributing X (Twitter) icons and headers featuring artwork from the Limited Time Craft Essences of "Chaldea Boys Collection 2025".
During the distribution period, go to the Special Site on the Fate/Grand Order Official Site to download and save each icon and header by clicking the button displayed below each image.

Distribution Period:
2025-03-05 PST (GMT -8) - 03-25 20:59 PDT (GMT -7)
(Updated on March 5th) * Redistribution, reposting, and/or alteration of the X (Twitter) icons and headers is strictly forbidden. * The following behavior while using the X (Twitter) icons and headers is strictly prohibited: - Immoral/socially unacceptable behavior - Using the images for business purposes or for profit - Any behavior that violates or could possibly violate laws, regulations, or ordinances - Any other behavior deemed inappropriate by Lasengle

(Added on March 5th)

(Updated on March 5th)

The Limited Time Event "CBC 2025: The Story of Chaldea Heavy Industries - Business to Business, From Me to You" will also begin alongside "Chaldea Boys Collection 2025"!
Enjoy a story centered around the new Servant "★5 (SSR) Takasugi Shinsaku" in the Limited Time Event!
For more details, tap the banner below.

Event Start Date:
2025-03-05 00:00 PST (GMT -8)

(Updated on March 5th)
The "'CBC 2025: The Story of Chaldea Heavy Industries' Takasugi Shinsaku Pickup Summon" and more will also be ongoing for a limited time!
Please see the articles linked below for more information.

"'CBC 2025: The Story of Chaldea Heavy Industries' Takasugi Shinsaku Pickup Summon" Details:

"CBC 2025 Pickup Summon" Details:

"White Day Memorial Pickup Summon" Details: