02-13 PST
[Ended] [Event] Johanna and the Unidentified Love: Smash 'em Up☆Love, Lovers, and the Great Stone Statue

The Limited Time Event "Johanna and the Unidentified Love: Smash 'em Up☆Love, Lovers, and the Great Stone Statue" is here!
The members of Chaldea head out to investigate a minute Singularity observed around Valentine's.
The Singularity gets reconstructed in a fight over a Holy Grail and there before them stands a great stone statue that speaks of love!

Take on event quests to collect "Lovey-Dovey Heart Points", get the event exchange items "Lock-On Chocolate" and "Surprise Chocolate", and receive Valentine's gifts (Craft Essences) from your Servants!
What's more, each Valentine's gift you receive will come with a fully voiced cutscene during this event!

In addition, there will be special chocolates "Blessed Lock-On Chocolate (Strawberry)" and "Blessed Lock-On Chocolate (Blueberry)" which can be exchanged to gain the Event Limited Special Skill "Blessing of the Saint EX" in this event!

* Voice files for each Servant's Valentine's gift (Craft Essence) cutscene will be downloaded when you enter the quest. As such, data use will increase compared to normal gameplay. Please see this article for more information. * As of 2021-01-01 00:00 PST (GMT -8), Servants whose True Names are hidden will be referred to by their True Name within newly released Main Story chapters, Limited Time Events, certain quests, campaigns, and Pickup Summons. * In-game graphics may vary from the images used within this article. * Certain quests will be unlocked at a later date.

Event Period:
2025-02-07 00:00 - 02-27 19:59 PST (GMT -8)

Event Participation Requirements:
Masters who have fulfilled the following requirements may participate. - Clear "Singularity F: Flame Contaminated City, Fuyuki" * The event story will contain some spoilers from the Main Quest through Part 2 Chapter 3.

Spoiler Warning:

This event includes some spoilers for Masters who have yet to play through the relevant content. Please accept that you will see some spoilers should you decide to play the event. - The event's story takes place after Main Quest Part 2 Chapter 3 and will contain spoilers from the Main Story through Part 2 Chapter 3. - Valentine's gift (Craft Essence) story scenes may include spoilers for Servants with Sealed Spirit Origins.

How to Play the Event

About Blessed Lock-On Chocolate:
Only one each of Blessed Lock-On Chocolate (Strawberry) and Blessed Lock-On Chocolate (Blueberry) will be available, for a total of two. Also, you can only exchange one each in "Give Chocolates" and "Get Chocolates", so choose carefully.

About Receiving ★5 (SSR) Pope Johanna's Valentine's Gift (Craft Essence): * In order to give ★5 (SSR) Pope Johanna Lock-On Chocolate, Surprise Chocolate, or Blessed Lock-On Chocolate (Strawberry), you will need to clear Main Quest Section 7 of the Limited Time Event "Johanna and the Unidentified Love: Smash 'em Up☆Love, Lovers, and the Great Stone Statue". Accordingly, receiving her Valentine's gift (Craft Essence) and granting the Special Skill using Blessed Lock-On Chocolate (Strawberry) will only become possible starting 2025-02-11 20:00 PST (GMT -8).

About Receiving ★5 (SSR) Oberon's Valentine's Gift (Craft Essence): * In order to receive ★5 (SSR) Oberon's Valentine's gift (Craft Essence), you must have cleared Part 2 Chapter 6 "Lostbelt No.6: Fae Round Table Domain, Avalon le Fae - The Moment a Planet Is Born". * Please be aware that if you give chocolate to ★5 (SSR) Oberon while you have not met the requirements to receive his Valentine's gift (Craft Essence), the cutscene that plays will not be recorded in "Material". * Please note that if you have not met the requirements to receive the Valentine's gift (Craft Essence) from ★5 (SSR) Oberon, the Blessed Lock-On Chocolate (Blueberry) will be returned to you and the Special Skill will not be granted.

About Mash Kyrielight's Valentine's Gift: * After you clear the prologue of this year's event, a fully voiced version of Mash Kyrielight's Valentine scene from "Chocolate Lady's Commotion Valentine's 2018" will be added to "Johanna and the Unidentified Love: Smash 'em Up☆Love, Lovers, and the Great Stone Statue" within "Material" in My Room. * Mash Kyrielight's Valentine scene will not be played back when you claim the Craft Essence "Chaldea Standard" from "Exchange Rare Prisms" in the Da Vinci Workshop.

We'll be distributing a login bonus from the "Johanna and the Unidentified Love Social Media Campaign"!

Distribution Period:
2025-02-07 00:00 - 02-13 19:59 PST (GMT -8)

Rewards will be delivered to your Present Box when you first log in to "Fate/Grand Order" during the period above. * You will not receive the presents if you do not log in during the specified period. * Presents can only be claimed once per account.

Present Details:
Saint Quartz x6

Masters who have cleared "Singularity F: Flame Contaminated City, Fuyuki" by 2025-02-06 19:59 PST (GMT -8) will be eligible. * You must have cleared the Singularity and the "CLEAR" icon must be displayed on the quest banner in the Terminal by the date and time above in order to be considered eligible.

Enjoy a Valentine's story in the Main Quest, unlocked on a daily schedule.
Once you clear "Main Quest Section 2", Free Quests where you can gather event items will be unlocked.
Further Free Quests will be unlocked by clearing new sections of the Main Quest.

Quest Release Schedule:

Quest Quest Period
Main Quest Section 1
Main Quest Section 2
Free Quest(s)
2025-02-07 00:00 - 02-27 19:59 PST (GMT -8)
Main Quest Section 3
Free Quest(s)
2025-02-07 20:00 - 02-27 19:59 PST (GMT -8)
Main Quest Section 4
Free Quest(s)
2025-02-08 20:00 - 02-27 19:59 PST (GMT -8)
Main Quest Section 5
Free Quest(s)
2025-02-09 20:00 - 02-27 19:59 PST (GMT -8)
Main Quest Section 6
Free Quest(s)
2025-02-10 20:00 - 02-27 19:59 PST (GMT -8)
Main Quest Section 7
Free Quest(s)
2025-02-11 20:00 - 02-27 19:59 PST (GMT -8)

Acquire Lock-On Chocolate and Surprise Chocolate as Lovey-Dovey Heart Points Rewards. You can exchange these chocolates in the Event Item Exchange "Get Chocolates" and "Give Chocolates" for Valentine's gifts (Craft Essences).

Exchange Period:
2025-02-07 00:00 - 03-06 19:59 PST (GMT -8) * Lock-On Chocolate and Surprise Chocolate can be exchanged for QP after the end of the event period. * Lock-On Chocolate and Surprise Chocolate will disappear at the end of the exchange period.

How to Exchange Valentine's Gifts (Craft Essences)

Select "Get Chocolates" or "Give Chocolates" within Event Item Exchange.

Receive Valentine's gifts (Craft Essences) from female Servants through "Get Chocolates" and male Servants through "Give Chocolates" within Event Item Exchange.
Certain Servants will have two different gifts, one in "Get Chocolates" and one in "Give Chocolates", with differing cutscenes.

Select a gift to receive in exchange for chocolate.

Select a specific gift from the Valentine's gifts displayed, or choose to "Get Chocolate from Someone (Give Chocolate to Someone)"!

* The Valentine's gift cutscenes and Craft Essences will be the same whether you exchange Lock-On Chocolate or Surprise Chocolate. * You can make up to ten exchanges at one time in both "Give Chocolates" and "Get Chocolates".

About Receiving ★5 (SSR) Pope Johanna's Valentine's Gift (Craft Essence): * In order to give ★5 (SSR) Pope Johanna Lock-On Chocolate, Surprise Chocolate, or Blessed Lock-On Chocolate (Strawberry), you will need to clear Main Quest Section 7 of the Limited Time Event "Johanna and the Unidentified Love: Smash 'em Up☆Love, Lovers, and the Great Stone Statue". Accordingly, receiving her Valentine's gift (Craft Essence) and granting the Special Skill using Blessed Lock-On Chocolate (Strawberry) will only become possible starting 2025-02-11 20:00 PST (GMT -8).

About Receiving ★5 (SSR) Oberon's Valentine's Gift (Craft Essence): * In order to receive ★5 (SSR) Oberon's Valentine's gift (Craft Essence), you must have cleared Part 2 Chapter 6 "Lostbelt No.6: Fae Round Table Domain, Avalon le Fae - The Moment a Planet Is Born". * Please be aware that if you give chocolate to ★5 (SSR) Oberon while you have not met the requirements to receive his Valentine's gift (Craft Essence), the cutscene that plays will not be recorded in "Material".

* You can only receive Valentine's gifts (Craft Essences) from Servants you have Summoned in the past. Please note that Servants you have never Summoned will not be eligible. * It is possible to receive Valentine's gifts (Craft Essences) from this event, even if you have copies of the same Craft Essence from previous Valentine's events. * Certain Servants' Valentine's scenes will not be displayed in full-screen resolution.

This year, new chocolates "Blessed Lock-On Chocolate (Strawberry)" and "Blessed Lock-On Chocolate (Blueberry)" will be available.
By exchanging Blessed Lock-On Chocolate (Strawberry) or Blessed Lock-On Chocolate (Blueberry) for a Valentine's gift (Craft Essence), an eligible Servant will gain the Event Limited Special Skill "Blessing of the Saint EX" for the duration of this event.

Blessed Lock-On Chocolate (Strawberry) can be used once in "Get Chocolates", and Blessed Lock-On Chocolate (Blueberry) can be used once in "Give Chocolates".

Exchange Period:
2025-02-07 00:00 - 03-06 19:59 PST (GMT -8) * The Event Limited Special Skill will not be granted if the chocolates are exchanged after the event has ended. * Blessed Lock-On Chocolate (Strawberry) and Blessed Lock-On Chocolate (Blueberry) will disappear at the end of the Event Item Exchange period.

About Blessed Lock-On Chocolate:
Only one each of Blessed Lock-On Chocolate (Strawberry) and Blessed Lock-On Chocolate (Blueberry) will be available, for a total of two. Also, you can only exchange one each in "Give Chocolates" and "Get Chocolates", so choose carefully.

About ★5 (SSR) Pope Johanna: * In order to give ★5 (SSR) Pope Johanna Blessed Lock-On Chocolate (Strawberry), you will need to clear Main Quest Section 7 of the Limited Time Event "Johanna and the Unidentified Love: Smash 'em Up☆Love, Lovers, and the Great Stone Statue". Accordingly, receiving her Valentine's gift (Craft Essence) and granting the Special Skill using Blessed Lock-On Chocolate (Strawberry) will only become possible starting 2025-02-11 20:00 PST (GMT -8).

About Receiving ★5 (SSR) Oberon's Valentine's Gift (Craft Essence): * In order to receive ★5 (SSR) Oberon's Valentine's gift (Craft Essence), you must have cleared Part 2 Chapter 6 "Lostbelt No.6: Fae Round Table Domain, Avalon le Fae - The Moment a Planet Is Born". * Please note that if you have not met the requirements to receive the Valentine's gift (Craft Essence) from ★5 (SSR) Oberon, the Blessed Lock-On Chocolate (Blueberry) will be returned to you and the Special Skill will not be granted.

* You can only receive Valentine's gifts (Craft Essences) from Servants that you have summoned in the past. * You will be able to give Blessed Lock-On Chocolate (Strawberry) or Blessed Lock-On Chocolate (Blueberry) to grant the Event Limited Special Skill "Blessing of the Saint EX" to Servants who you have already given Lock-On Chocolate or Surprise Chocolate. However, you will not receive another Valentine's gift (Craft Essence). * For Servants who can receive both Lock-On Chocolate and Surprise Chocolate, they will only be able to receive one of the Blessed Lock-On Chocolates, either Blessed Lock-On Chocolate (Strawberry) or Blessed Lock-On Chocolate (Blueberry). * If another Master has a Servant with the Event Limited Special Skill "Blessing of the Saint EX" included in their Support List, it will be indicated as an event bonus for that Servant on the Select Support screen.

Obtain Stargazer's Teapots as quest rewards from "Blessed Tea Party" Quests and double the Bond Points gained when you use one as you enter battle. These quests will unlock as you progress through the event story.

Use Stargazer's Teapots during this event to deepen the bonds between you and your favorite Servants!

* Please note Stargazer's Teapots can only be used for quests in which Bond Points are awarded. * Rewards from "Blessed Tea Party" Quests will only be awarded for the first clear.

Stargazer's Teapot Usage Period:
2025-02-07 00:00 - 02-27 23:59 PST (GMT -8) * Stargazer's Teapots can only be used for a limited time. Any Stargazer's Teapots unused at the end of the usage period will disappear.

Receive rewards as your Lovey-Dovey Heart Points total reaches certain levels.
Rewards will include Lock-On Chocolate, Surprise Chocolate, an Event Limited Command Code, and more.

You can check available rewards by tapping the "Event Shop" button in the upper right-hand corner of the Terminal to display the "Lovey-Dovey Heart Points Rewards" panel.

* Your Lovey-Dovey Heart Points total will be the amount of Lovey-Dovey Heart Points earned from event quest drops.

(Added on February 13th)
A High Difficulty Challenge Quest will unlock for Masters who have cleared Final Singularity as well as Section 7 of the Limited Time Event "Johanna and the Unidentified Love: Smash 'em Up☆Love, Lovers, and the Great Stone Statue".
The Challenge Quest will remain available for the duration of the event period even after being cleared. Enjoy taking on this quest as many times as you like with different Servants and Craft Essences.

* Quest clear rewards, dropped items, Master EXP, Mystic Code EXP, and Bond Points will only be awarded for the first clear.

Challenge Quest Release Date:
2025-02-13 20:00 PST (GMT -8)

Challenge Quest Eligibility:
Masters who have fulfilled the following requirements may participate. - Clear Section 7 of the Limited Time Event "Johanna and the Unidentified Love: Smash 'em Up☆Love, Lovers, and the Great Stone Statue" - Clear Final Singularity

Challenge Quest Clear Rewards (First Time Only):
Crystallized Lore x1

Hints and Strategies, Part 1

During the event, the Servants listed below will receive an ATK strength bonus and a Bond Points gained bonus within event quests!
Strengthen eligible Servants and make it through the event together!

* Bonus amounts will vary by Servant. * The Special Skill bonuses granted by Blessed Lock-On Chocolate will stack with the event bonuses for Servants listed in the table below.

Event Bonus Eligible Servants and Bonus Amounts:

ATK Strength Bond Points Gained Class Rarity Servant
+100% Self
Ruler ★★★★★ Pope Johanna
+50% Self
Saber ★★★★★ Nero Claudius (Bride)
Archer ★★★★★ Sei Shounagon
Caster ★★★★★ Murasaki Shikibu
Assassin ★★★★★ Semiramis
Berserker ★★★★★ Mysterious Heroine X (Alter)
Ruler ★★★★★ Caren C. Hortensia (Amor (Caren))
Alter Ego ★★★★★ Manannan mac Lir (Bazett)

* Servants eligible for an event bonus will not necessarily appear in the event story. * The name displayed on Amor (Caren)'s Saint Graph will change to "Caren C. Hortensia" with Ascension. * From 2025-02-04 20:00 PST (GMT -8), an "Upcoming Event" filter will be added to the Servant Selection and Servant Enhancement screens. Use this filter to conveniently display only the Servants who will receive a bonus in the event.

Hints and Strategies, Part 2

Equip Event Limited Craft Essences for a Lovey-Dovey Heart Points drop bonus!
Increase the amount of Lovey-Dovey Heart Points per drop by equipping the Event Limited Craft Essence "★5 (SSR) The Cutie Who Sits Behind Me", available through Event Item Exchange.

Plus, you'll also gain an increase to the amount of Lovey-Dovey Heart Points per drop when you equip the Craft Essences you receive from Servants as Valentine's gifts!

Valentine's Gifts (Craft Essences):

Hints and Strategies, Part 3

Equip Limited Time Craft Essences for an event item drop bonus!
When you equip the Limited Time Craft Essences "★5 (SSR) Winds of Spring", "★4 (SR) Love's Delusion", and "★3 (R) Sleeping Elisa", available through the Pickup Summons ongoing during the event, you will gain a bonus to the amount per drop of event items "Lovey-Dovey Coin", "Lovey-Dovey Pennant", and "Lovey-Dovey Keychain", respectively.

* Please be aware that the item drop rate is not 100%.

The Cutie Who Sits Behind Me
ATK 250 (MAX: 1000) HP 400 (MAX: 1600)
Apply 20% Special Attack [Human Attribute] & begin battle with NP charged at 30% for yourself + Increase Lovey-Dovey Heart Points amount per drop by 30% [Event Only]

Max Limit Break:
Apply 25% Special Attack [Human Attribute] & begin battle with NP charged at 50% for yourself + Increase Lovey-Dovey Heart Points amount per drop by 60% [Event Only]

[Event Limited]
Preacher of Unconditional Love
Apply 25% Special Attack [Chaotic] to the engraved Card

Ticktock Bomb
Apply a DEF-ignore state for the engraved Card + Inflict Curse (500 damage, 3 turns) to a single enemy when attacking with the engraved Card

Holy Paper Bag
Remove 1 ATK Up buff on a single enemy when attacking with the engraved Card + Increase Critical Strength by 5% for the engraved Card

Event items can be exchanged for the following items through "Event Item Exchange", accessible from the "Event Shop" button in the upper right corner of the Terminal.

* Crystallized Lore, Hero Crystal: Meteor Fou ALL ★4 (HP) and Hero Crystal: Corona Fou ALL ★4 (ATK) will become available for exchange after you clear the Main Quest of this event. * Lock-On Chocolate, Surprise Chocolate, Blessed Lock-On Chocolate (Strawberry), and Blessed Lock-On Chocolate (Blueberry) can be exchanged for QP after the end of the event period. * The following items will disappear at the end of the exchange period: Lovey-Dovey Coin, Lovey-Dovey Pennant, Lovey-Dovey Keychain, Lock-On Chocolate, Surprise Chocolate, Blessed Lock-On Chocolate (Strawberry), and Blessed Lock-On Chocolate (Blueberry).

Exchange Period:
2025-02-07 00:00 - 03-06 19:59 PST (GMT -8)

Items Obtainable with Lovey-Dovey Coin:

[Event Limited Craft Essence]
★5 (SSR) "The Cutie Who Sits Behind Me"

[Skill Enhancement & Ascension Materials]
Crystallized Lore
Scarab of Wisdom
Fruit of Eternity
Black Beast Grease
Ghost Lantern

[Ascension Materials]
Lancer Monument
Rider Monument
Caster Monument

[Other Items]
Hero Crystal: Meteor Fou ALL ★4 (HP)
Hero Crystal: Corona Fou ALL ★4 (ATK)
Code Remover
10,000 QP

Items Obtainable with Lovey-Dovey Pennant:

[Event Limited Craft Essence]
★5 (SSR) "The Cutie Who Sits Behind Me"

[Skill Enhancement & Ascension Materials]
Crystallized Lore
Primordial Lanugo
Serpent Jewel
Great Knight Medal
Ceremonial Sword of Twilight

[Ascension Materials]
Lancer Piece
Rider Piece
Caster Piece

[Other Items]
Hero Crystal: Corona Fou ALL ★4 (ATK)
Code Remover
Lovey-Dovey Coin

Items Obtainable with Lovey-Dovey Keychain:

[Event Limited Craft Essence]
★5 (SSR) "The Cutie Who Sits Behind Me"

[Skill Enhancement & Ascension Materials]
Divine Leyline Spiritron
Dragon Fang
Proof of Hero
Fool's Chain

[Other Items]
Hero Crystal: Meteor Fou ALL ★4 (HP)
Hero Crystal: Star Fou ALL ★3 (HP)
Hero Crystal: Sun Fou ALL ★3 (ATK)
Code Remover
Hellfire of Wisdom ALL ★5 (SSR)
Blaze of Wisdom ALL ★4 (SR)
Fire of Wisdom ALL ★3 (R)
Lovey-Dovey Pennant

Items Obtainable with Lock-On Chocolate, Surprise Chocolate, Blessed Lock-On Chocolate (Strawberry), and Blessed Lock-On Chocolate (Blueberry):

[Other Items]
100,000 QP

To commemorate the Limited Time Event "Johanna and the Unidentified Love: Smash 'em Up☆Love, Lovers, and the Great Stone Statue", the Valentine's 2024 Command Code "★3 (R) Buddy Ring [Gold]" will be permanently added to "Exchange Mana Prisms" in the Da Vinci Workshop.

You will be able to exchange for the Command Code in "Exchange Mana Prisms" even if you already own it.

Date of Addition:
2025-02-07 00:00 PST (GMT -8)

Command Code Added to "Exchange Mana Prisms":

Buddy Ring [Gold]
Gain 1 C. Star when attacking with the engraved Card + Increase Debuff Resist by 10% (1 turn) for yourself

New Item (Permanent):

Item Stock Mana Prisms Per Item
★3 (R) Buddy Ring [Gold] 1 300

* The Command Code "★3 (R) Buddy Ring [Gold]" will be permanently added to "Exchange Mana Prisms". There will be no time limit on exchange.

(Added on February 9th)
The Simple Spiritron Dress "Devil Caren" Wardrobe Key for ★5 (SSR) Caren C. Hortensia (Amor (Caren)), exchangeable through "Dress Making" in the Da Vinci Workshop, will become exchangeable for free upon clearing Final Singularity!

Change to Free Exchange Date:
2025-02-09 20:00 PST (GMT -8) * There will be no time limit on free exchange for the Simple Spiritron Dress "Devil Caren" Wardrobe Key.

Requirements for Free Exchange:
Masters who meet the following requirements will be eligible to exchange for free. - Clear Final Singularity

* The Simple Spiritron Dress Wardrobe Key will not be available for exchange if you already own it. * Users who had already exchanged for the Simple Spiritron Dress "Devil Caren" Wardrobe Key will have the Rare Prisms they spent on the exchange refunded to their Present Box upon meeting the requirements for free exchange.

(Added on February 13th)
"Mysterious Heroine X (Alter) Trial Quest", available for exchange in "Exchange Rare Prisms" within the Da Vinci Workshop, will be made exchangeable for free upon clearing Final Singularity!
Add ★5 (SSR) Mysterious Heroine X (Alter) to your party as Support and take on the quest!
Don't miss this chance to try out her skills and Noble Phantasm!

* Users who had already exchanged for "Mysterious Heroine X (Alter) Trial Quest" in "Exchange Rare Prisms" will have the Rare Prisms they spent on the exchange refunded to their Present Box upon meeting the requirements for free exchange.

Exchangeable for Free From:
2025-02-13 20:00 PST (GMT -8) * There will be no time limit on free exchange for "Mysterious Heroine X (Alter) Trial Quest".

Free Exchange Requirements:
Masters who meet the following requirements will be eligible to exchange for free. - Clear Final Singularity

Quest Clear Rewards:
Gem of Berserker x3
Magic Gem of Berserker x2
Secret Gem of Berserker x1

(Added on February 8th)
We'll be distributing a smartphone wallpaper on the Limited Time Event "Johanna and the Unidentified Love: Smash 'em Up☆Love, Lovers, and the Great Stone Statue" Special Site!
You will be able to download it if you share the Special Site on social media.

Distribution Period:
2025-02-07 - 02-27 19:59 PST (GMT -8)

Special Site:

(Updated on February 8th)
The "Valentine's 2025 Pickup Summon" and more will also be ongoing for a limited time!
Please see the articles linked below for more information.

"Valentine's 2025 Pickup Summon" Details:

"Revival: Valentine's 2018 - 2024 Pickup Summon" Details: