Part 2 Chapter 7 "Lostbelt No.7: Golden Sea of Trees, Nahui Mictlān - Those Who Rule the Planet" (Part 2) is here!
Our story speeds towards its climax in one of the largest unexplored Lostbelts.
Enjoy "Golden Sea of Trees, Nahui Mictlān - Those Who Rule the Planet"!
Release Date:
2025-01-15 00:00 PST (GMT -8)
Unlock Requirements:
Clear Part 2 Chapter 7 "Lostbelt No.7: Golden Sea of Trees, Nahui Mictlān - Those Who Rule the Planet" (Part 1).
* It will not be necessary to clear Pseudo-Singularities (I-IV) or Main Quest Part 2 Chapters 5.5 and 6.5.
* In-game graphics may vary from the images used within this article.
Check out the trailer for Part 2 Chapter 7 "Lostbelt No.7: Golden Sea of Trees, Nahui Mictlān - Those Who Rule the Planet" (Part 2)!
Animation Production: Drive
* The trailer for Part 2 Chapter 7 "Lostbelt No.7: Golden Sea of Trees, Nahui Mictlān - Those Who Rule the Planet" (Part 2) will be played when you first open the game between 2025-01-15 00:00 - 01-30 19:59 PST (GMT -8). * The trailer for Part 2 Chapter 7 "Lostbelt No.7: Golden Sea of Trees, Nahui Mictlān - Those Who Rule the Planet" (Part 2) will be added to Material in My Room after it is played, but it will be removed at the end of the period mentioned above.
* Please note that this illustration is of the Servant at Stage 2 Ascension.
(Added on January 21st)
"Obsidian Blade" and "Solar Hide" will be available for exchange from "Exchange Pure Prisms" in the Da Vinci Workshop from 2025-01-28 20:00 PST (GMT -8).
Make use of these items to Enhance the newly summonable Servants!
Added to Exchange From:
2025-01-28 20:00 PST (GMT -8)
Once you have cleared all of the Main Quests in Part 2 Chapter 7 "Lostbelt No.7: Golden Sea of Trees, Nahui Mictlān - Those Who Rule the Planet" (Part 2), an Acquisition Quest for two Spiritron Dresses for ★5 (SSR) Kingprotea will become available!
In order to unlock the Spiritron Dresses, you will need to fulfill certain requirements in addition to acquiring the Spiritron Dress Wardrobe Keys.
About the Spiritron Dress Wardrobe Keys:
* The Spiritron Dresses will change the appearance and some voice lines for ★5 (SSR) Kingprotea.
* Please note that although it is possible to obtain the Spiritron Dress Wardrobe Keys even if you do not have ★5 (SSR) Kingprotea, you cannot unlock the Spiritron Dresses.
"Unlock Wardrobe" can be accessed from the Enhancement screen.
* Upon unlocking a Spiritron Dress, the Servant's battle sprite and icons will automatically be changed. You can revert back to the original appearance or change to a different Ascension stage from the Servant Details screen. * "Unlock Wardrobe" will only change the eligible Servant's appearance and voice lines. Their class and all other parameters will remain the same.
(Updated on January 22nd)
We'll be distributing wallpapers for your smartphone from the Part 2 Chapter 7 "Lostbelt No.7: Golden Sea of Trees, Nahui Mictlān - Those Who Rule the Planet" (Part 2) Special Site!
You will be able to download the original wallpapers if you share the Special Site on social media.
Distribution Period:
2025-01-15 - 01-31 19:59 PST (GMT -8)
Special Site:
The total reactions goal for the "Golden Sea of Trees, Nahui Mictlān (Part 2) Social Media Campaign" has been achieved! Receive six Saint Quartz the first time you log in during the period below!

Distribution Period:
2025-01-15 00:00 - 01-21 19:59 PST (GMT -8)
The presents will be sent to your Present Box the first time you log in during the period above.
* You will not receive the presents if you do not log in during the specified period.
* Presents can only be claimed once per account.
Present Details:
Saint Quartz x6
Masters who have cleared "Singularity F: Flame Contaminated City, Fuyuki" by 2025-01-14 19:59 PST (GMT -8) will be eligible.
* You must have cleared the Singularity and the "CLEAR" icon must be displayed on the quest banner in the Terminal by the date and time above in order to be considered eligible.
(Updated on January 21st)
The "Nahui Mictlān Tezcatlipoca Pickup Summon" and more will also be ongoing for a limited time!
Please see the articles linked below for more information.