"FGO POKER" will be officially released on 2024-04-01 00:00 PDT (GMT -7).
We're holding "FGO POKER Release Campaign" to celebrate!
Campaign Period:
2024-04-01 00:00 - 04-10 23:59 PDT (GMT -7)

Log in to "Fate/Grand Order" during the period below to receive ten Saint Quartz and 1,000,000 QP!
Login Bonus Period:
2024-04-01 00:00 - 04-10 23:59 PDT (GMT -7)
Rewards will be delivered to your Present Box when you first log in to "Fate/Grand Order" during the period above.
* You will not receive the presents if you do not log in during the specified period. * Presents can only be claimed once per account.
Login Bonus Details: - 1,000,000 QP - Saint Quartz x 10
All Masters who have cleared "Singularity F: Flame Contaminated City, Fuyuki" by 2024-04-10 20:59 PDT (GMT -7) will be eligible to receive the login bonus.
* You must have cleared the Singularity and the "CLEAR" icon must be displayed on the quest banner in the Terminal by the date and time listed above in order to be considered eligible.
Masters who have been away from the game for a while can take advantage of the "'FGO POKER' Commemorative Returning Master Consecutive Login Bonus" for a limited time!
Log in for seven days in a row during the period below to receive rewards including a total of 30 Saint Quartz (worth up to 11 Saint Quartz Summons) and other items to help strengthen your Servants!
* "Worth up to 11 Saint Quartz Summons" applies in the case that all rewards are used in the same Saint Quartz Summon.
Campaign Period:
2024-04-01 00:00 - 04-19 20:59 PDT (GMT -7)
* You cannot receive the rewards if you do not log in during the campaign period.
Masters who fulfill both of the following conditions will be eligible to receive the login bonus.
- Did not log in between 2024-02-29 20:00 PST (GMT -8) and 03-31 23:59 PDT (GMT -7)
- Clear "Singularity F: Flame Contaminated City, Fuyuki" by 2024-04-18 20:59 PDT (GMT -7)
* You must have cleared the Singularity and the "CLEAR" icon must be displayed on the quest banner in the Terminal by the date and time listed above in order to be considered eligible.
Returning Master Consecutive Login Bonus Total Rewards: - Saint Quartz x 30 (worth up to 11 Saint Quartz Summons) - Friend Points x 14,000 (worth 70 Friend Point Summons) - Blaze of Wisdom ALL ★4 (SR) x 16 - Golden Fruit x 16
Returning Master Consecutive Login Bonus Details:
Login Streak | Login Bonus |
Day 1 |
Saint Quartz x 1
Friend Points x 2,000 Blaze of Wisdom ALL ★4 (SR) x 10 Golden Fruit x 1 |
Day 2 |
Saint Quartz x 1
Friend Points x 2,000 Blaze of Wisdom ALL ★4 (SR) x 1 Golden Fruit x 10 |
Day 3 |
Saint Quartz x 2
Friend Points x 2,000 Blaze of Wisdom ALL ★4 (SR) x 1 Golden Fruit x 1 |
Day 4 |
Saint Quartz x 3
Friend Points x 2,000 Blaze of Wisdom ALL ★4 (SR) x 1 Golden Fruit x 1 |
Day 5 |
Saint Quartz x 5
Friend Points x 2,000 Blaze of Wisdom ALL ★4 (SR) x 1 Golden Fruit x 1 |
Day 6 |
Saint Quartz x 8
Friend Points x 2,000 Blaze of Wisdom ALL ★4 (SR) x 1 Golden Fruit x 1 |
Day 7 |
Saint Quartz x 10
Friend Points x 2,000 Blaze of Wisdom ALL ★4 (SR) x 1 Golden Fruit x 1 |
* The first Returning Master Login Bonus will be distributed beginning at 2024-04-01 00:00 PDT (GMT -7). * All further Returning Master Login Bonuses will be distributed at 21:00 PDT (GMT -7) each day. * If your login streak is broken, you will not be able to receive further presents. * Up to seven login bonuses are available, but depending on when you become eligible, you may not be able to receive all presents.