Campaign Period:
2024-03-01 00:00 PST (GMT -8) - 03-14 20:59 PDT (GMT -7)
* Please note that the Campaign Period will differ from the Distribution Period for the Limited Time Login Bonus. * In-game graphics may vary from the images used within this article.
(Added on March 1st)

Since you were able to achieve 25,000 reactions in the “White Day Spectacles Social Media Campaign”, we’ll be distributing a special login bonus!
Log in during the period below to receive six Saint Quartz.
Distribution Date:
2024-03-01 00:00 - 03-08 19:59 PST (GMT -8)
The presents will be sent to your Present Box on the first login between 2024-03-01 00:00 and 03-08 19:59 PST (GMT -8).
* You will not receive the presents if you do not log in during the specified period.
* Presents can only be claimed once per account.
Present Details:
Saint Quartz x6
Masters who have cleared "Singularity F: Flame Contaminated City, Fuyuki" by 2024-02-29 19:59 PST (GMT -8) will be eligible to receive the presents.
* You must have cleared the Singularity and the "CLEAR" icon must be displayed on the quest banner in the Terminal by 2024-02-29 19:59 PST (GMT -8) in order to be considered eligible.

During the period below, a login bonus will be held where messages from Arjuna (Alter) will be played when you log in for the first time.
In addition, on White Day, the last day of the Limited Time Login Bonus, a special message will be played and you will receive one Lantern of Chaldea!
Log in every day during the below period to get valuable rewards!
About the Limited Time Login Bonuses with Special Messages
In order to receive the Limited Time Login Bonuses within "White Day Spectacles", you must watch the entire message from Arjuna (Alter) that is played when you log in. If you log in but do not play the message to the end, you will not be able to receive the rewards.
"Stargazer's Teapot" Usage Period:
2024-03-01 20:00 PST (GMT -8) - 05-31 20:59 PDT (GMT -7)
* "Stargazer's Teapots" can only be used for a limited time. Any "Stargazer's Teapots" unused at the end of the usage period will disappear
Requirements to Claim Login Bonus:
- Clear "Singularity F: Flame Contaminated City, Fuyuki"
Message Playback Period:
Message | Login Period | Item(s) Awarded after Viewing the Message | |
Message from Arjuna (Alter) - Day 1 | 2024-03-01 20:00 - 03-02 19:59 PST (GMT -8) |
![]() ![]() |
Message from Arjuna (Alter) - Day 2 | 2024-03-02 20:00 - 03-03 19:59 PST (GMT -8) | ||
Message from Arjuna (Alter) - Day 3 | 2024-03-03 20:00 - 03-04 19:59 PST (GMT -8) | ||
Message from Arjuna (Alter) - Day 4 | 2024-03-04 20:00 - 03-05 19:59 PST (GMT -8) | ||
Message from Arjuna (Alter) - Day 5 | 2024-03-05 20:00 - 03-06 19:59 PST (GMT -8) | ||
Message from Arjuna (Alter) - Day 6 | 2024-03-06 20:00 - 03-07 19:59 PST (GMT -8) | ||
Message from Arjuna (Alter) - Day 7 | 2024-03-07 20:00 - 03-08 19:59 PST (GMT -8) | ||
Message from Arjuna (Alter) - White Day | 2024-03-13 21:00 - 03-14 20:59 PDT (GMT -7) |
![]() |
Lantern of Chaldea x1 |
* Please note that it will not be possible to hear that day's message if you do not log in during the applicable Login Period.
New Craft Essences with voice lines have been added! Summon them to listen to Servant dialogue matching the situation for each Craft Essence!
A voiced scene will play when you first acquire the Craft Essences.
In addition, a "Play" button has been added in the Craft Essence Details. You can press this button to listen to the scene that played upon first summon.

Log in during the campaign period to receive a "White Day Spectacles Card Key", which can be exchanged for one of the "White Day Spectacles" Limited Time Craft Essences!
During the campaign period, exchange it for one Craft Essence of your choice from the eligible Craft Essences!
Requirements to Claim "White Day Spectacles Card Key":
- All Masters will be eligible.
* New Masters must clear "Singularity F: Flame Contaminated City, Fuyuki - Section 3, Part 1" to claim the item.
"White Day Spectacles Card Key" Distribution Period:
2024-03-01 00:00 PST (GMT -8) - 03-14 20:59 PDT (GMT -7)
Eligible for Exchange:
>> See this article for details on the Limited Time Craft Essences.
Craft Essence Exchange Period:
2024-03-01 00:00 PST (GMT -8) - 03-21 20:59 PDT (GMT -7)
* You must have cleared "Singularity F: Flame Contaminated City, Fuyuki" and Section 1 of Limited Time Event "15 Bespectacled Intellectuals" before the end of the exchange period in order to exchange the "White Day Spectacles Card Key" for one of the eligible Craft Essences.
How to Exchange:
The "White Day Spectacles Card Key" will be sent to your Present Box upon first login between 2024-03-01 00:00 PST (GMT -8) - 03-14 20:59 PDT (GMT -7).
After claiming it from your Present Box, tap the "Event Shop" button in the top right corner of the Terminal or go to "Exchange Event Items" in the Da Vinci Workshop to exchange it for one of the nine eligible Limited Time Craft Essences.
* After exchange, the Craft Essence you selected will be sent to your Present Box and the "White Day Spectacles Card Key" will disappear.
* The "White Day Spectacles Card Key" will disappear at the end of the exchange period, even if you have not exchanged it.
To commemorate "White Day Spectacles" being held, you will be able to place two Servants of your choice in My Room for a limited time.
In addition, during the event period, the background in My Room will change every two days!
Choose two of your favorite Servants and place them side by side in various combinations!
2024-03-01 00:00 PST (GMT -8) - 03-14 20:59 PDT (GMT -7)
Schedule for Background Changes:
(Added on March 1st)
During the following period, we'll be distributing artwork for X (Twitter) icons and banners based on the Limited Time Craft Essences of "White Day Spectacles".
You can download and save each icon and banner from the special site on the Fate/Grand Order Official Site by clicking the button displayed below each image.
Distribution Period:
2024-03-01 00:00 PST (GMT -8) - 03-14 20:59 PDT (GMT -7)
* Redistribution, reposting, and/or alteration of the X (Twitter) icons and banners is strictly forbidden.
* The following behavior while using the banners and X (Twitter) icons is strictly prohibited:
- Immoral/socially unacceptable behavior
- Using the images for business purposes or for profit
- Any behavior that violates or could possibly violate laws, regulations, or ordinances
- Any other behavior deemed inappropriate by Lasengle
See here for the special site!
(Added on March 10th)
The Spiritron Dress "Camelot & Co" Wardrobe Key for "★5 (SSR) Merlin", originally available as part of 2021's Limited Time Event "All In! Las Vegas Championship Match - Seven Duels of Swordbeauties!" and 2022's "Revival: All In! Las Vegas Championship Match - Seven Duels of Swordbeauties! Lite", will be added to "Dress Making" in the Da Vinci Workshop!
The above Spiritron Dress Wardrobe Key can be exchanged for five Rare Prisms.
In addition, the Spiritron Dress "Camelot & Co" Wardrobe Key will become exchangeable for free upon clearing Seventh Singularity!
In order to unlock the Spiritron Dress, you will need to fulfill certain requirements in addition to acquiring the Wardrobe Key.
Date of Addition:
2024-03-10 21:00 PDT (GMT -7)
Exchange Conditions:
Masters who meet the following requirements will be eligible to exchange.
- Clear "Singularity F: Flame Contaminated City, Fuyuki"
- Have not previously claimed the Spiritron Dress "Camelot & Co" Wardrobe Key
* The Spiritron Dress "Camelot & Co" Wardrobe Key will be permanently added to "Dress Making". There will be no time limit on exchange.
* The Spiritron Dress Wardrobe Key will not be available for exchange if it has already been obtained.
* If you fulfill the conditions for free exchange after exchanging five Rare Prisms for the Spiritron Dress "Camelot & Co" Wardrobe Key, the five Rare Prisms used for the exchange will be returned to your Present Box.
Requirements for Free Exchange:
Masters who meet the following requirements will be eligible to exchange for free.
- Clear Main Quest Part 1 "Seventh Singularity: Absolute Demonic Front, Babylonia"
About the Spiritron Dress Wardrobe Key:
* The Spiritron Dress will change the appearance and some voice lines for "★5 (SSR) Merlin".
* Please note that although it is possible to obtain the Spiritron Dress Wardrobe Key even if you do not have "★5 (SSR) Merlin", you cannot unlock the Spiritron Dress.
New Items (Permanent):
New Item | Stock | Rare Prisms Per Item |
Spiritron Dress "Camelot & Co" Wardrobe Key | 1 |
5 Exchangeable for free once you clear Seventh Singularity! |
"Unlock Wardrobe" can be accessed from the Enhancement screen. * Upon unlocking a Spiritron Dress, the Servant's battle sprite and icons will automatically be changed. You can revert back to the original appearance or change to a different Ascension level from the Servant Details screen. * "Unlock Wardrobe" will only change the eligible Servant's appearance and voice lines. Their class and all other parameters will remain the same.
(Added on March 10th)
See "★5 (SSR) Merlin" in action on YouTube, where we're sharing an exclusive video of his Noble Phantasm with the Spiritron Dress "Camelot & Co" equipped!
Limited Time event "15 Bespectacled Intellectuals" will be held as part of "White Day Spectacles"!
In this Limited Time Event, you can obtain the Spiritron Dress "Student Council President Arjuna" Wardrobe Key for "★5 (SSR) Arjuna (Alter)" through Event Item Exchange, in addition to Wardrobe Keys for the Glasses Spiritron Dresses for 13 Servants.
For more information, please see the article linked below.
Event Period:
2024-03-01 00:00 PST (GMT -8) - 03-14 20:59 PDT (GMT -7)
(Added on March 10th)
The following are also ongoing for a limited time:
- White Day 2024 Pre-Release James Moriarty (Archer of Shinjuku) Pickup Summon
- White Day Spectacles Pickup Summon
- White Day Spectacles Merlin Pickup Summon
For more information, please see the articles linked below.
"White Day 2024 Pre-Release James Moriarty (Archer of Shinjuku) Pickup Summon" Details: