Thank you for playing “Fate/Grand Order”.
The following is a message from the administrative team.
(Added on October 6th)
During our investigation, we discovered that the issue within the Limited Time Event “Csejte Halloween Trilogy: Ultra Deluxe Highlights!” where Rare Prisms may not be awarded correctly when you claim your sixth and further copy of “★4 Elisabeth Báthory (Brave)” through event rewards may occur with “★4 Elisabeth Báthory (Halloween)”, “★4 Mecha Eli-chan”, and “★4 Mecha Eli-chan Mk.II” as well.
As of 2023-10-05 23:00 PDT (GMT -7), we have resolved this issue as well as the originally reported issue with “★4 Elisabeth Báthory (Brave)”.
We will distribute the missing Rare Prisms individually to the Present Box of all users affected by the issue.
All users affected by the issue
Rare Prisms that should have been awarded individually sent to the Present Box
Distribution Method:
Present Box
Distribution Period:
Beginning at 2023-10-05 23:00 PDT (GMT -7)
Again, we sincerely apologize to all affected users for the issue.
We have found an issue within the Limited Time Event “Csejte Halloween Trilogy: Ultra Deluxe Highlights!” where Rare Prisms may not be awarded correctly when you claim your sixth and further copy of “Elisabeth Báthory (Brave)” through event rewards.
We are currently investigating the cause and extent of the issue.
We will announce compensation details at a later date.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience to all users.