03-30 PDT
[Important] Terms of Use Updated to Reflect New Tool to Improve the App and Fix Issues

Thank you for playing "Fate/Grand Order".
The following is a message from the administrative team.

We have updated the Terms of Use to reflect information collection and use due to the introduction of “Backtrace” with Ver. 2.28.1 of the app, distributed beginning 2022-3-29. We will use “Backtrace” to improve the app and fix issues.

As such, you will be asked to renew your agreement with the Terms of Use the first time you log in to “Fate/Grand Order” after updating the app to Ver. 2.28.1.

The updated portion of the Terms of Use is as follows.

Terms of Use

Article 8 (Acquisition and Use of Information)

8.You acknowledge and agree that Aniplex may cause Backtrace I/O, Inc. (“Backtrace”) to collect the information specified below and analyze such information using the tool operated by Backtrace under the name of “Backtrace” for the purpose of enhancing the quality of and resolving any failures in the Application. Backtrace will not identify you through such collection and analysis of such information.
(1) Your account;
(2) Settings information regarding the Application, OS version, device name, screen size, etc.;
(3) Information on the usage condition of the Application, such as the state of communication and/or memory; and
(4) Information regarding the occurrence of crashes, such as the time of and/or the portion(s) concerning the occurrence of an error.

We hope you will continue to enjoy “Fate/Grand Order” in accordance with the Terms of Use.

Thank you for your continuous support of "Fate/Grand Order".